June 26, 2012

The 10 movies that I've always wanted to see

When I started making this list, I realized that I have so many movie gaps that I couldn't stop at just 10 movies. But I tried. I present to you my 13 films-combined-as-10 list:

1.The Godfather
Shame on me, I've made it to 17 without watching this classic. However, I'm very excited about this movie and I'll probably start with it when I dig into this list.

2. The Mask
I remember watching this movie when I was little. Or maybe it was the cartoon? Did I watch it after all? To erase all uncertainty, I decided to add it to the list.

Another classic I missed. And it was on the TV only about 300 times.

4.Silence of the Lambs
Even though I consider myself a thriller/horror movie fan, I failed to watch this. Time to change that.

5.The comic books Big Three: Batman, Spiderman, X-men
Another series I've missed. Sometimes I wonder where was I when these films were so popular? In honor of the upcoming Batman and Spiderman movies, I join the crowd.

6.Casino Royale
Yup, I somehow managed that.

7.Toy Story
Since this is also my last summer in high school, and technically my last summer as a kid, I needed something to connect with my childhood.

8. Back to the future
I've seen so many gags about this one, it would be hard not to put it on the list.

9.The Notebook
Romantic movie? Tear-jerker? Bring it on!

There was a tie for the last slot available between Terminator, Home Alone (crossed it out because it's Christmas-related), and Godzilla (decided I will still watch it, but outside the list). I'm really curious about this one :).

As you can see, many of the movies I mentioned have sequels, or maybe even part three. Hopefully, I will be able to see them all before summer runs out.

Get the popcorn!

Alice :)

#40 - Watch "The Bucket List"

"Nicholson is so damned brilliant as is Freeman. It is a joy to watch their characters for a little over 90 minutes, and the message, well, I hope it hits you as it did me. I wanted to go hug everyone that means anything to me."

I have to say, I put this on the list without really knowing what I'm doing. The film seemed to be a classic for bucket-listers, so I just slapped a number in front of it and called it an item.

Needless to say - it was a total surprise. The film was really wonderful and it made me reconsider whether this bucket list is really reflecting what I want to do or is only a way to fill my time.

 I would totally recommend this movie - not only for those who are making a bucket list. Because this movie speaks to a deeper level, about life meaning and goals. And the time you spend watching that movie is anything but wasted - it is sure to repay.

This movie has certainly made it to my "Top Movies" list.

Enjoy your summer!
Alice :)

June 24, 2012

#20 - Order something online

For many of you, this may seem an uninnteresting item from the bucket list, and you're probably wondering why on Earth I would put something as boring as that on my bucket list. Truth is, however, I only ever ordered something for my friend's birthday last year, and that was more of an impulse buy. So this is quite a novelty for me.I have to say, I checked every form I completed about 5 times, I was just that stressed :).

For me, online buying is still a completely new world - partially because I was raised believing that "if it is online, there's something fishy about it". So even when I had the occasion to order something, I backed down and resolved to buy something less awesome from an actual store. Until now.

When I looked last night at my bucket list and realized just how many items I have to cross off, it dawned upon me that I will have to pair a good amount of them. So with this "Order something online" item I paired the "Buy a pair of heart shaped sunglasses" one.

The result? I just couldn't decide, so I ended up ordering not one, but two pairs of heart shaped sunglasses. And a heart-shaped-sunglasses necklace. I really shouldn't be left alone with a credit card.
This is the pendant. Come on, it's adorable

The first pair of sunglasses. I bought them black, because it goes with anything.

And Passionate Red. Go big or go home, right?

I will check off #31 when I get them. I ordered from ebay, and even though I'm am pretty optimistic person I realize there is a chance I will never get them. So I'll just wait.

 There is a big chance I will order some more online, since I can't find scented nail polish around here. So stay tuned!

I hope you're all enjoying your summer!

June 23, 2012

#1 - Create a Summer Playlist

What better way to start off your summer than crossing off one item from your bucket list?
I have to admit though, this was a rather easy one to cross. It only took about 1 hour - it may still seem a lot, but I'm no music connoisseur; I am surprised I could even compile that much.

And just because I'm such a completely hopeless person when it comes to music, my playlist strongly resembles a salad. I have all kind of music crammed in there (I insisted to remain at 79 songs, for 79 days of summer) -happy, bubblegum-like songs, brooding ones, downright inappropiate ones, even songs that have nothing to do with summer at all.
But hey, the whole point of making the playlist was to have fun while making the soundtrack of my summer. And damn right I had fun :).

Because I'm way too lazy to copy each song's name over here, I'm just going to put a print screen. If I have the time (and most likely I will, since I have close to nothing planned for the next couple of days), I will try to make an online playlist with the actual songs. Until then, here you go:

I hope you all enjoy your summer!


June 22, 2012

The Bucket List

  1. Create a Summer Playlist
  2. Pick an official "Summer Song of 2012"
  3. Write a complaint/satisfaction letter
  4. Convince someone I’m from a foreign country.
  5. Water fight
  6. Baloon water fight
  7. Buy an outfit from a SH store
  8. Be a "Yes-girl" for a day
  9. Run a 5k
  10. Go to three concerts (1/3)
  11. Sleep on the beach
  12. Get a tan tattoo
  13. Get a henna tattoo
  14. Make sun tea
  15. Watch 10 movies I've always wanted to see (1/10)
  16. Watch 10 movies at the cinema
  17. Try yoga for a week straight
  18. Pull an all-nighter
  19. Make a photo every day, then compile them
  20. Order something online
  21. Try indoor climbing
  22. Get a “You Mad Bro?” shirt
  23. Climb a really tall tree
  24. Read 4 books (2/4)
  25. Attempt the cinnamon challenge
  26. Prepare a full meal for my family
  27. Attempt Tie Dye
  28. Play hide-and-seek in IKEA.
  29. Tan on a house roof and on a car roof
  30. Hand out lemons while wearing a shirt that says “Life”
  31. Buy a pair of heart shaped sunglasses
  32. Get a few people and fool around with helium
  33. Spend an hour with a "Free Hugs" sign
  34. Play Twister, Challenge Twister and Dessert Twister
  35. Stargaze & Watch a meteor shower
  36. Throw a message-in-a-bottle into the sea
  37. Attempt 20 different planking places
  38. Do a Chinese fire drill at a stoplight
  39. Visit a museum, an aquarium and the zoo
  40. Watch "The Bucket List"
  41. Eat nothing but cold cereal for a day
  42. Make a friend on an random chat generator
  43. Yell. As hard as I can.
  44. Build a sandcastle
  45. Eat at an authentic foreign restaurant
  46. Try 3 things from the "Fun things to do in Wal-Mart" list
  47. Jump clothed in a swimming pool and swim
  48. Fill up an entire coloring book
  49. Superglue a coin to the ground
  50. Paint finger and toe nails each a different color
  51. Paint a picture on a canvas - attempt finger painting
  52. Fly a kite
  53. See a fortune teller
  54. Finally complete my family tree
  55. Restock my old (and now empty) aquarium
  56. Hold my breath for 2.5 minutes
  57. Try some practical jokes
  58. Do some sport - any kind of sport - every day 
  59. Put in temporary highlights
  60. Send a nice card to a stranger from the phone book. 
  61. Carve name into a tree
  62. Destroy a watermelon
  63. Try Lasertag
  64. Eat breakfast at a restaurant
  65. Buy and use a scented nail polish
  66. Write a note on a stranger’s windshield 
  67. Rock a Red Lip
  68. Take a picture in a photo booth with at least 3 other people
  69. Spend an entire day with my little sister
  70. Lear to do a back-flip and to handwalk
  71. Plant a tree
  72. Build a time capsule
  73. Walk around for hours without a destination and see where I end up
  74. Sleep until noon
  75. Make soda popsicles
  76. Choose a college
  77. Photobomb strangers
  78. Learn to dance
  79. Leave 50 inspiring sticky notes in random places
  80. Roast marshmallows
  81. Catch a lightning in a photo
  82. Make 5 cocktails/drinks and try 5 new summer food recipes
  83. Catch a firefly
  84. Finally gather up the courage to ride the Hammer
  85. Watch the clouds for hours on end
  86. Tell ghoststories at midnight (in a cemetery?)
  87. Get out of town without my parents
  88. Go to a sleepover
  89. Leave initials (hand prints?) in wet concrete
  90. Wake up every morning before 9:30
  91. Complete a  500+ pcs puzzle
  92. Play tag in the rain
  93. Take a picture with a stranger
  94. Learn to do 3 awesome hairstyles
  95. Make a slip'n'slide
  96. Try the Coke and Mentos experiment
  97. Attempt Parkour
  98. Participate in an online movement/program 
  99. Go for a walk with an umbrella on a sunny day
  100. Make a video/scrapbook depicting the results of Summer 2012.
That's it folks. :)


Everybody seems to be caught in the bucket-listing fever..Better jump on the bandwagon while I still can. :)

Joke aside, Every summer in my existence so far was marked by interminable hours of boredom. Either because it was too hot outside, or on the contrary, too cold, or because I simply had no idea what to do, sooner or later I ended up staring at the ceiling.

This project is started in hope that I will be able to make the most out of this summer. It's the last summer in high school, since I will be a senior next year. Real life is aproaching fast, and it is a truly terrifying thought. I'll have to pick a college, maybe get a job.

I feel like I let most of my summers slip away. While I have many good memories, I'm sure I could have made more of my time. And here we are:

The Summer Bucket List - 2012 edition

Hopefully, with a written list I will be able to get rid of the laziness that inevitably comes around during summertime and actually be productive.
I have 79 days of summer this year. And I plan to make every single one count.

Three cheers to summer!