July 18, 2012

#14 - Make sun tea

I have to admit, until I saw a post on another bucket-lister's blog, I had no idea what sun tea is. But when I found out what it is, I thought it would be a great idea to celebrate summer by making tea with nothing but the sun rays, water and plants. For me, summer was always associated with nature, since I spent a lot of time at the countryside (who am I kidding, I'm writing this very post there). And this item encompassed a lot of what summer means to me.

So yesterday I finally got some water and got to work.

Since my grandparents are very "old-timey", I had access to real plants to use for my tea. A really big bag of them. I ended up choosing linden, chicory, St John's wort, yarrow, and a bit of mint.
After the choosing part was done, all I had to do was pour some water over them and wait. And man, I waited. It took a good 5 hours before the water was colored enough to be considered tea.

Sadly, the taste wasn't that great - too grassy for me. I must have chosen something that shouldn't have been there. Maybe the yarrow. I don't know. Next time, I'll probably stick to tea bags.

But people learn from mistakes. And the experience was priceless; I will definitely make sun tea again. Maybe tomorrow, who knows?

Bottom line, this was a great experience, and if the next try ends up better than this one, I'll make sure to update this post. :)

Cheers! (can you still say that with tea?)

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