July 18, 2012

Beach time


Wow, It's been ... more than two weeks since I last updated with an item. That's kinda sad. But like I said in my last post, I have managed to check a few items off in this time; actually, it would've been weird if I hadn't.

Seeing as 2 weeks ago I've been to the beach on the family vacation, I tried to check as many beach-related items as I possibly could, since the sea is quite far from where I live. Sadly, #36 -Throw a message-in-a-bottle into the sea will probably remain unchecked this summer, as the chances of seeing the sea again this year are slim.

However, I was able to check off all the other beach-related items. So:

#84 - Finally gather up the courage to ride the Hammer

This is one item I'm really proud of. Ever since I was little, I would watch in awe at that big,big machine and I would cower in fear when I heard the (as I know now, excited) screams of the riders.
Every year, I settled for riding the bumper cars and the mountain rousse or the carousels. That was the tradition. This year, I added something new.

The whole day before going to the park , I was nothing but excited. Kept thinking what it would feel like, whether I will get dizzy, etc. However, when I got there, the excitement wore off, leaving only fear behind. The one question that plagued my mind was "Why the heck did I add this to my list?". I almost backed down a few times.
But having this item written down, on a blog nonetheless, made me self-conscious. After all, I will remember for years to come that summer when I was too afraid to go on a ride, even though I made a point of going on it. So I took a deep breath and got in. And man, I was scared.
But it payed off after all, for it was an absolutely great ride. And I will definitely get on it again next summer.
One more fear conquered!

#11 - Sleep on the beach

This is more like a half-check, since I only took a nap, however it is the best I got. Honestly, it is harder than it seems to fall asleep on a crowded, noisy beach :D.

#44 - Build a sandcastle

This wasn't hard at all to check off, since I had a little sister to help me, and building sandcastles was somehow a daily activity. But having a little sister help you has its downsides, like not being able to add too many details, or having to start over a few times because she accidentally knocked it over. The result is nowhere near a "state-of-art" sandcastle, but it was fun doing it, and that is what matters after all.

If I figure out how to get the recordings from my video camera and I manage to edit them, I will put up the video of riding the Hammer. Wish me luck?

Have fun! It's summer!

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